exibition of picturesThe beauty of and threats to coral reefs worldwide are the subject of the NWV's new loanable photo exhibition. The exhibition was originally conceived for the World Coral Reef Conference ICRS 2022 (www.icrs2022.de) in Bremen and exhibited in the „Haus der Wissenschaft Bremen“. Many of the photographs, especially from the field of research and the threat to reefs, can only be seen in this exhibition. A unique opportunity to get a very special view of the most important ecosystems in the oceans.

Now this exhibition is available to be shown at other locations! Contact us if you would like to inform your local community about coral reefs, their threats and research. Only the transportation costs have to be covered, there is no rental fee for the exhibition. However, we are of course happy to receive a donation to support the work of the Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Bremen (donation receipts can be issued!).

The exhibition is entitled "Colorful diversity, white death - What colors tell us about coral reefs" and is divided into three thematic areas:

  • Colorful diversity
    The beauty of coral reefs is expressed in their enormous biodiversity and richness of color. This section shows spectacular overviews of entire reef areas as well as brilliant close-ups of individual coral polyps and other animals.
  • White Death
    This section deals with the threat to coral reefs. Climate change and the temperature-related bleaching of corals are the main topics here. However, the various stages of the resulting reef destruction are also shown.
  • The colors of science
    Coral reefs are a global research topic. In this section, various research methods are presented and what the day-to-day work of scientists can look like. Methods for the reforestation of coral reefs are shown here, as well as work in the laboratory or newly developed imaging techniques that are used in research today.

The individual pictures are described in German and English.

Together with the photo exhibition, you will be provided with sufficient copies of the small picture brochure "Korallenriffwissen" and the book "Netzwerk Korallenriff - Wertvoller also Google, Apple und Co." for display. Both are available in German. The brochure "Korallenriffwissen" can be taken away free of charge by your exhibition visitors as a reminder and to inform and disseminate coral reef-related topics. Visitors who would like to make a donation for the book "Netzwerk Korallenriff" and or for the preservation of the exhibition and support of the work of the NWV can do so in the lockable donation box provided.

If you would like to exhibit the photo exhibition "Bunte Vielfalt, weißer Tod" in your location, please contact Dr. Simon Jungblut (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), to find a date and arrange the transport and installation of the exhibition together. The pictures are stored in two rollable transport boxes (65 * 65 * 160 cm each), so that transportation by a forwarding agent and easy handling on site is also possible.

In order to make an exhibition in your location possible, we are also happy to be partners in a joint financing application.

Die Foto-Ausstellung wurde gefördert durch die Senatorin für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Mobilität, Stadtentwicklung und Wohnungsbau Bremen.

  • Small info box:
    The curator: The (photo) journalist Heinz Krimmer conceived the exhibition "Colorful diversity, white death" during his work as press officer for the World Coral Reef Conferences 2021 (online) and 2022 (Bremen) and arranged the first exhibition in the Haus der Wissenschaft Bremen during the conference in Bremen. More about Heinz' work and his projects can be found here: https://heinzkrimmer.com/